What can I help you create for yourself?

I will inspire and empower as many people as possible, no matter what their obstacles are!

What can I help you create for yourself?

I will inspire and empower as many people as possible, no matter what their obstacles are!

If you want to change your life, first you need clear intent.

If you know what you want to change, I can assist you to make changes. If you do not know what needs to change, I can assist you to figure that out!

about ky

It might not be easy, but it is worth it.

I kept screwing everything up AND I was great at making excuses. I could have spent my whole life blaming external stuff for every single problem I had!

But one day, I finally decided to take responsibility. I committed to addressing the cause of every single thing that had a negative impact on my life.

I stopped using drugs. I stopped running away from conflict and resentment. I acknowledged that I had a lot of issues. I made a list and ticked them off one by one. I explored absolutely everything that could assist me to make my life better.

The amount of joy that I have experienced as a result brings tears to my eyes now.

Part of my healing process included locating my biological father. He turned out to be excited after I spent my whole life assuming he never wanted me. I also met my new partner and we started a family! I have built my dream career and I now have an amazing network of life changing people all around me.

I couldn't have done all this alone. People assisted me. Now it's my turn to assist you.

take back your life

Is it time to try something different?

Working Together

Often it feels like the system just leads you around in circles.

Most support services want to turn you into a consumer; a dependent customer. Very few organisations are designed to assist you to outgrow them. That's why I had to go independent!

The sooner my clients outgrow me, the better I've done my job! Plus, word spreads fast when people find something that works!

Our first step is to have a conversation about your intent, needs and goals. We can do that in person or over the phone. There is no pressure to book anything, EVER.

Whatever I can do to assist you with your goals, I will do it. I would never tell somebody their goal was impossible, but I might break it down into more achievable steps.

I also have a space set up in my home for people who are ready to experience Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics.

I acknowledge and thank founder and mentor, Steve Richards, for teaching this powerful modality and making changes to many lives around the world.

Get in touch
Book A Call
Explore more deeply with Ky Lives
Multidimensional Ky Lives

The benefits of hiring an independent support worker

No management fees
Quicker responses
Simpler relationship
Tailored to you
More freedom

Our Agreement

Make Your Own Choices

Making your own choices and understanding the consequences of those choices is the key to learning, growing and evolving. Your decisions must be 100% your own.

Take Responsibility

Creating your own goals and taking full responsibility for how you carry out your plans makes it far more likely that you will actually change your life.

Be Prepared To Change

Cultivate a mindset that welcomes challenges to your beliefs, and open your mind up to boundless opportunities for expansion and progress. You're here because you want to try something new!

Where should we begin?

Our first meeting

I think it helps to have something to do when you first meet someone new. It's a great way to keep it casual. Some people feel overwhelmed if the first meeting feels too serious.

I find nature inspires and supports transformation. There's something undeniably therapeutic about walking and talking in the great outdoors. I'm happy to meet up for a walk along the beach or a waterfall hike!

Of course, your local cafe works too. Think of a place you'd like to go anyway, so that it's win/win even if you decide not to proceed with my support.

My home base is on the Gold Coast, Queensland.

Let's Connect!
Let's Connect!
A camper van in a field, one man stands beside it and one man stands on the roof.
Two chairs on a hill facing the orange sunset.
A man sits on rocks overlooking the ocean.
2 chairs under a tree at the beach.
Two chairs on a hill facing the orange sunset.
A man sits on rocks overlooking the ocean.
2 chairs under a tree at the beach.
A 4WD on the beach, a tent sits nearby.

Meet the people who are changing their lives.

These are some of the stories and people who have inspired me

Brisbane, QLD

Ky immediately felt like a friend and created a space I could be honest and express myself in, he offered great insights to problems I was dealing with and recommended other tools to help get me to where I want to be.

Monterrey, Mexico

Wandering and wondering with Ky expands my creativity ‘cause I can totally be myself. I feel lighter inside. Before yesterday there was still doubt and fear about what could happen and now I just feel the certainty that I'm on my way there.

Dunsborough, WA

Ky has often created a space for me to comfortably share and express how I’m feeling or what I’m experiencing in whatever way works at the time. He’s very open and flexible and his own experiences colour his approach in a way that is comforting, encouraging, and validating.

Brisbane, QLD

The time I have spent with Ky has been wonderful, enlightening, comfortable, uplifting and encouraging. We crossed paths after a difficult time for me and the shared stories and experiences helped put me at ease.

Brisbane, QLD

My time with Ky has been absolutely fundamental in helping me with my mental health issues and facilitated a space to assist me in personal development and transformation.


You might be wondering...

What makes you qualified to assist people?

I have thousands of hours of 1:1 experience with an incredibly diverse range of human beings.

On top of my extensive study of Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics, I also have the Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work.

I have worked with extremely complex and challenging behaviours alongside paramedics and police.

I have received training for suicide intervention and specialist training for understanding BPD, Autism, Schizophrenia and DID.

I have an incredible support network for myself and supervision from experienced practitioners and mentors.

My supports generally range from 3-10 hours or 24 hours for sleepovers.

I have taken individuals and groups for immersive experiences lasting 3-11 days.

Can we film and take photos?

If everyone present has agreed to document the experience, including myself. We will discuss this when you book.

Where are you based?

Gold Coast, Australia

How do I find out more?

Email me directly if you have any questions at all.

What is Holographic Kinetics?

This is truly what sets our community apart from the rest.

Aboriginal elder, Steve Richards, created this unique modality, Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics. It is about assisting people with their internally-created realities that are not being addressed--or understood, by mainstream mental health. You can learn about it here.

Can I use my NDIS funding?

Absolutely. I am an independent support worker. If you are self-managed or plan managed I have simplified the process as much as possible, so that you can minimise the cost and get the most out of it.

Ready To Begin?

Are you ready to get back in the driver’s seat and take full control of your own journey?
I'm Ready!
I'm Ready!